3D assets formats and use cases

File types and use cases

You can download any of your 3d assets in FBX, USDZ and GLB formats, each of them is more suitable for a specific scenario. 

FBX files hold complex geometry, texture and lighting data. Download your 3d model in FBX if you are looking for highly detailed assets to be used in a 3d rendered interior design scene for instance.


USDZ files are used to display 3d and AR content on iOS devices. They hold simple geometry and basic textures to achieve fast 3d visualisation. An USDZ file on iOS can be opened as a link from a website or as part of an iOS application. USDZ  files cannot be edited. 


GLB files are used to display 3d and AR content on Android devices and for VR experiences. They have small sizes, hold simple geometry and basic textures to achieve fast 3d visualisation. A GLB file on Android can be opened as a link from a website or from an Android Application.


Geometry and material details 

Each file format is available in low and high geometry levels and four levels of material quality.

Although the difference might be less pronounced for certain products, if you are looking to represent a product in a photorealistic rendered scene, an FBX file with high geometry and material resolution is recommended.

Lower geometry and material quality allow 3d files to be smaller hence to be downloaded and opened more quickly. For this reason lower quality settings are recommended for USDZ and GLB files when you want to ensure that an AR experience of a product is loaded as fast as possible, and the image quality can be sacrificed. 

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