Content creation and image manipulation
Cylindo Create enables you to manipulate existing content and essentially create new imagery based on the content already rendered. The image manipulation parameters can be used when adding single shots to a content bundle or be used in the content presets. Here is an overview of the image manipulation options available.
Asset types
Pack Shots - PackShots are the entire frame of the images seen in the 360 Viewer.
Detail Shots - Details shots are images of a specific area of your PackShot. DetailShots allow you to create high-quality images that highlight some key aspects of your product.
Image manipulation
Size - Image size can be set to a specific resolution up to 4096 x 4096 pixels, or you can choose to keep the original aspect ratio and specify the longer edge of the image up to 4096 pixels. (The longer edge is the vertical side in a portrait and the horizontal side in a landscape photo.)
Keep Aspect Ratio - This toggle allows you to change the image size setting to either the longest edge of the image or both width and height.
SmartCrop - SmartCrop removes all whitespace around your product and creates an image of your product that fills the frame from edge to edge. Images created with SmartCrop can only be delivered with the original aspect ratio.
Image formats - Images can be exported in either JPG or PNG format. Both image formats can be delivered with solid color backgrounds. Images in PNG format can also be delivered with transparent backgrounds.
Transparent - Images in PNG format can be produced with transparent backgrounds.
Background color - You can either use the color picker or specify the background color with a HEX value.
Exclude shadow - Exclude shadow gives you the option to remove the shadow that your product cast on the floor.
Note: In January 2019, the content production methods were updated. In some cases, the environment shadow layers are not separated out and, therefore, cannot be removed.
Content bundles
You can organize the content you have created in Content Bundles. Content Bundles can contain images of multiple products. For each content bundle, you can set a default bundle preset and specify the File and Folder structure.
Create Bundle page
The Create application consists of the following functionalities:
- Content bundle settings
- Product list (Product list only lists published products)
- The content previewer
- Image selector
- Configuration selector
- Products and images added to your bundle
- Generate bundle
- Product image preview
Bundle settings
When you have created a new bundle, you can update the bundle name and set the default preset and the File and Folder structure name by clicking the title or settings icon.
File and Folder structure - You can overwrite the default File and Folder structure by selecting one of your templates.
Default preset - When a default preset is set in a bundle, all products selected will have the shots configured in the default preset.
Select products
In the product list on the left side, you can search for all the products you have visualized on Cylindo. To add a product to your bundle, select it in the list and get a preview of it in the Viewer window. When it’s selected, you can take new shots and select the configuration of the product you want.
Add Shots
In the right panel, you can see all shots taken of your product and select the configurations of your product. When adding shots, you can add single images or select a new preset.
Add single shot - When you press the “Add shots” button, you will see a new panel where you can specify all the image manipulation parameters as described in the “Content creation and image manipulation” section. When you have set the image parameters, click the “Add shot” button to take a new photo of your product.
With content presets - In the same side panel as you add a single shot, you can also select from existing presets. Open the second tab, select one of your presets from the list. When the preset is selected, you can see a preview of the content in the preset. When you click the “Add preset shots” button, all the images in the selected preset will be added to your images of your selected product.
Save new preset - If you have added a set of images to a bundle with the specific image parameters you want, you can save it as a preset to use it again later. In the action menu for “Add Shots,” you can save all selected images as a new preset.
Delete shots - In the right panel, you can delete shots added by clicking on the trash can if you do not want to add that particular image to your bundle.
Select configuration
When you have selected all the images you want from a product, you have to specify the configuration of the product that you want to download.
Select configuration per product - In the right panel under the “ configuration” tab, select all product image options you want to download.
Use same configuration on multiple products - If you create new content for multiple products that share the same or have overlapping options, you can choose to apply the same configuration for a product as a product you already added to your bundle.
In the action menu on the configuration tab, or in the action menu for your products in the bundle, you can select the option to apply a configuration from existing products to the product you are working on. When this option is selected, you can see in the side panel which features and options that match between the products. You can adjust the selection or go ahead and apply the same configuration selection on both products.
Add to bundle
When you have created the shots and selected the configuration for a product, you can add it to your content bundle. At the bottom of the right panel, you have the option to add all images to the bundle. Here you can also see how many images you are adding to your bundle, which is the result of the number of shots and the number of configuration options you have selected.
Your Content Bundle
Below the product previewer and shots/configuration selector, you can see a list of all the products you have added to your bundle. Here you can delete or preview the product images.
Preview image bundle - By selecting a product in your bundle, you get a side panel with an overview of all the product imagery you have created for the product. The images in the preview are organized based on your File and Folder structure. You can select and see a preview of all the images and the image parameters they will be created with.
Generate and download image bundle - When you have created all the content you want, you can generate and download the bundle. When the content is created, we will send you an email with a link so you can download the generated content. You can also go to your content bundle list to download the generated bundle.
The content bundle has four states, which indicate where the bundle stands in the generation process and if the content is generated and can be downloaded. The four states are:
- Draft - The content bundle is created, but no content is generated yet.
- Generating - The content in the bundle is being generated.
- Content Generated - The content is generated and ready to be downloaded.
- Error - An error occurred when generating your content. Please try to generate the content bundle again or contact support.
Note: It typically takes minutes to generate a content bundle. The time it takes to generate a bundle depends on the number of images and the image parameters for the content you have in the bundle.
File and Folder structure template
The File and Folder structure is created so you can organize your content exactly as you want it when you create a content bundle. The File and Folder template builder allows you to combine text and dynamic tokens to generate folders and filenames, so you don’t have to manually organize your content after it’s downloaded.
Create new File and Folder structure
- In Create, navigate to the File and Folder structure tab and select “New File and Folder structure.”
- In the right panel, you can enter the name of the File and Folder structure template and configure the file and folder names.
- In the File and Folder structure input field, you can enter a static text or select a dynamic token. To create a folder, you add the token “FolderSeparator.”
- As you input the folder and file structure, you get a preview of how your content will be organized in the File and Folder structure preview window below the input field.
- When you are done, press the “Create Structure” button to save the File and Folder structure template. All file and folder structures will be available to everyone in your organization.
Dynamic Tokens
- FolderSeparator: When added, all text and tokens entered before the FolderSeparator will construct the name of a folder. If multiple FolderSeparators are added, only the text and tokens between the two FolderSeparators will become the folder name.
- CustomerName: The name of the organization you are a part of. This value can be found on your settings page.
- ProductName: The name of the product
- ProductCode: The code you have given the product
- ProductFamilyName: Products can be organized in Product Families. The name of the Product Family can be used in the file and folder name.
- ShotName: In the Bundle Preset, you can give each image a name. This token will insert the name given in the preset in the File or Folder name.
- FrameNumber: To create a 360 Viewer, your images are typically produced with 32 frames. This token inserts the frame number in the File or Folder name.
- ShotType: This value can either be a DetailShot or a PackShot. ShotType describes the AssetType you create.
- ConfigAsc: This is a token that lists all of your configuration names in a list sorted from A-Z. For example, if you export a product with a leg option named Oak, a seat option named BlueFabric, and an arm option named Wood, the ConfigAsc will create a File or Folder name BlueFabric,Oak,Wood.
- ConfigDesc: This is a token that lists all of your configuration names in a list sorted from Z-A. For example, if you export a product with a leg option named Oak, a seat option named BlueFabric and an arm option named Wood, the ConfigAsc will create a File or Folder name Wood,Oak,BlueFabric
Content Bundle Preset
The Bundle Presets enable you to create consistent product images across multiple products and multiple Content Bundles. In the preset, you specify the content and how it should be manipulated.
Create a new Content Bundle preset
- In Create, navigate to the Bundle Preset tab and select “New Preset.”
- In the right panel, you can enter the name of the preset and add as many preset images as you like.
- For each preset image you add, you can set the asset type and all the image manipulation parameters as described in the Content Creation and Image manipulation section.
Pro tip: You can create Bundle Presets directly from the right panel when you are creating a newContent Bundle. If you have a selection of images you want to save for later, open the action menu and select “Save as Preset.”