Cylindo is expanding on the available analytics by providing Content Performance data that will help you understand how the Cylindo content you have produced and distributed is performing measured in the amount of images served through our API.
Multiple modes of time range filtering (from 7 days to 6 months) and different ways to group data by days, weeks, or months allow you to custom tailor the performance visualization and the CSV export, which in turn adds flexibility to how you can leverage this data and gather valuable insights.
Content types currently supported are the 360 HD images and Studio Lifestyle images.
Links to contents listed on the data table will redirect you to the detailed content analytics, where you can deep dive into the different data we have gathered on the performance of your content.
Here is what you can see*:
- Images
- This chart displays the number of times a 360 HD image of that product was served through Content API and the 360 HD Viewer.
- Data on the chart relates to the selected time range (Today, 7D, 2W, 4W, 12W, 1Y) and is grouped by the respective interval type (days, weeks, or months)
- Every single 360 HD image served of that product on the selected time range is counted here. That means any of the up to 32 frames in the viewer, in all the different configurations the product has - number of distinct combinations of geometries and materials.
- For the 360 HD Viewer, every time the viewer is loaded, all 32 frames are served and therefore 32 requests are recorded. Every time an end user selects another product configuration, such as a different finish material, 32 more images are served and those requests added to the record.
- Configurations
- Number of unique product configurations (combination of geometries and materials) that were served at least once on the interval.
- Unique users:
- Number of unique IP addresses that requested an image of that product at least once on the interval.
- Zoom Images:
- Amount of zoomed images (2K or 4K) served via Content API and 360 HD Viewer
- 2K and 4K images can be served out of the 360 HD Viewer context, meaning the numbers displayed on the chart don't necessarily represent the number of times users have used the zoom feature in the viewer.
- Top product configurations:
- Number of times a product configuration was selected to be displayed in the 360 HD Viewer. This includes the initial request of the default product, making it almost certain for that configuration to have considerably higher numbers than other configurations.
*Detailed analytics are only available to 360 HD Viewer images.